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Failure to Register as a Sex Offender | Houston Sex Crime Lawyers

Failure to Register as a Sex Offender To register as sex offender requires following many rules, perhaps too many, and it is extremely important to follow these rules to the letter. When a person fails to follow these rules in Texas, any violation could result in a...

Revenge Porn | Houston Sex Crime Lawyers

Revenge Porn The prosecution of cases involving revenge porn has become more widespread in Texas. The term revenge porn refers to the act of sharing nude photographs or videos of a person without their consent. Recently, revenge porn is in more news stories. Unlawful...

Interference with an Emergency Call

Interference with Emergency Call Stopping someone from calling 911 may not seem serious, but under Texas law it is a crime. Interfering with an emergency phone call is a criminal offense according to Texas Penal Code Section 42.062. A person accused of such a crime...

Family Violence Charges

Family Violence Family violence in Houston is a very serious matter that can result in severe consequences to alleged offenders. By the end of September, the Houston Police Department has received almost 24,000 reports of domestic violence so far in 2019. Since taking...

Lawyer for Continuous Violence Against the Family in Houston, TX

Continuous Violence Against the Family Domestic assault is usually a misdemeanor offense in Texas, but alleged offenders who have been previously convicted of assault family violence can be charged with a felony family violence charge if accused of committing a new...